Publications and Scientific Studies
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- Automatisierung im SyntheselaborEine Übersicht für den Einsteiger G.I.T. 02/2015, 22 - 25, 2015971 KB
- Technisches Zeichnen, Verrohrungspläne und CAD in der BrauerausbildungBrauwelt, 10/2015, 294, 2015419 KB
- Aufbau einer automatisierten ReaktionsanlageABK, PNK, Sensoren, Aktoren und Geräte, G.I.T. 03/2015, 36 - 37, 2015631 KB
- Rezeptursteuerung entscheidend vereinfachtProgrammierung von Abläufen einfacher bis mittlerer Komplexität, CITplus 9/2009, 22-23, 2009602 KB
- Rezeptursteuerung entscheidend vereinfachtProgrammierung von Abläufen einfacher bis mittlerer Komplexität, CITplus 9/2009, 22-23, 2009602 KB
- Aufbau einer automatisierten ReaktionsanlageABK, PNK, Sensoren, Aktoren und Geräte, G.I.T. 03/2015, 36 - 37, 2015631 KB
- Customized Multi-tool Laboratory RobotsAutomation of Manual Synthesis Procedures, G.I.T. 11-12/2010, 33 - 35, 20103 MB
- Online-Ermittlung der Sauerstofftransferrate von mikrobiellen Kulturen im SchüttelkolbenAnderlei T, Büchs J, BIOforum 4/99, 182-186, 19992 MB
- The Oxygen Transfer Rate (OTR) as the Key Parameter of the Characterisation of Hansenula polymorpha Screening CulturesStöckmann C, Maier U, Anderlei T, Gellissen G, Büchs J, Poster RWTH Aachen, 199996 KB
- Device for sterile online measurement of the oxygen transfer rate in shaking flasksAnderlei T, Büchs J, Biochemical Engineering Journal 3478, 1-6, 200075 KB
- Kultivierung osmotoleranter HefenVergleich unterschiedlicher Kulturmedien im Parallelfermenter, Jens Pfannebecker, Claudia Schiffer-Hetz und Barbara Becker Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie. NRW (ILT.NRW), Mikrobiologie, Liebigstr. 87, 32657 Lemgo, Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 110. Jahrgang März 2014 Behr’s Verlag l Hamburg l ZKZ 9982365 KB
- Utilization of specific power input measurementfor optimization of culture conditions in shaking flasks, Lotter S, Büchs J, Biochemical Engineering Journal 17, 195-203, 2004406 KB
- Development of an optimized culture mediumfor osmotolerant yeasts by use of a parallel-fermenter-system, Pfannebecker, J., Schiffer-Hetz, C., Becker, B., University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Food Technology.NRW, Microbiology, D-32657 Lemgo, Germany, 2014, 09, 1-4315 KB
- A sensitive monitoring systemfor mammalian cell cultivation processes: a PAT approach, Winckler S, Krueger R, Schnitzler T, Zang W, Fischer R, Biselli M, Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2013 867 KB
- Automation of Batch Synthesis in Laboratory MiniplantsScreening Trends in Drug Discovery vol. 9/2008, S. 10-121 MB
- Automation of Batch Synthesis in Laboratory MiniplantsGIT Laboratory Journal Europe 12/2008, S. 21-221 MB
- Development of a RQ-controlled Fed-Batch strategy for cell culturesCanzoneri M, Krueger R, Biotechnica, 20071 MB
- Phototrophic growth of Arthrospira platensisin a respiration activity monitoring system for shake flasks (RAMOS), Socher M, Lenk F, Geipel K, Schott C, Püschel J, Haas C, Grasse C, Bley T, Steingroewer J, Engineering in Life Sciences Journal 2014, 00, 1-9850 KB
- Impact of out-phase conditions on screening resultsin shaking flask experiments, Peter CP, Lotter S, Maier U, Büchs J, Biochemical Engineering Journal 17. 205-215, 2004181 KB
- Advances in understanding and modelingthe gas-liquid mass trandfer in shake flasks, Maier U, Lose M, Büchs J, Biochemical Engineering Journal 17, 155-167, 2004319 KB
- Glucose oxidation by Gluconobacter oxydanscharacterization in shaking-flasks, scale-up and optimisation of the pH profile, Silberbach M, Maier B, Zimmermann M, Büchs J, Appl. Microbiol Biotechnol 62:92-98, 2003237 KB
- Evaluation of Maximum to Specific Power ConsumptionRatio in Shaking Bioreactors, Büchs J, Zöls B, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 647-653, 200174 KB
- Device for sterile online measurement of the oxygen transfer ratein shaking flasks, Anderlei T, Büchs J, Biochemical Engineering Journal 3478, 1-6, 2000556 KB
- Evaluation of Maximum to Specific Power Consumption Ratioin Shaking Bioreactors, Büchs J, Zöls B, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 647-653, 200174 KB
- Culturemediumoptimization for osmotolerant yeastsby use of a parallel fermenter system and rapid microbiological testing Pfannebecker, J., Schiffer-Hetz, C., Becker, B., University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Food Technology.NRW, Microbiology, D-32657 Lemgo, Germany, Fröhlich, J., Erbslöh Geisenheim AG, Erbslöhstraße 1, D-65366 Geisenheim, Germany, Journal of Microbiological Methods 130 (2016), 14-22874 KB
- The Oxygen Transfer Rate (OTR)as the Key Parameter of the Characterisation of Hansenula polymorpha Screening Cultures, Stöckmann C, Maier U, Anderlei T, Gellissen G, Büchs J, Poster RWTH Aachen, 199993 KB
- Effect of oxygen supply on passaging, stabilising and screeningof recombinant Hansenula polymorpha production strains in test tube cultures, Stöckmann C, Losen M, Dahlems U, Knocke C, Gellissen G, Büchs J, FEMS Yeast Research 4, 195-205, 2003574 KB
- An experimental comparison of respiration measuring techniques3 in fermenters and shake flasks: exhaust gas analyzer vs. RAMOS 4 device vs. respirometer, Seletzky J M, Noack U, Hahn S, J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol, 2006161 KB
- Oxygen limitation is a pitfallduring screening for industrial strains, Zimmermann H, Anderlei T, Büchs J, Binder M, AMB, 2006131 KB
- Effect of Oxygen Limitation and Medium Compositionon Escherichia coli Fermentation in Shake-Flask Cultures, Losen M, Frölich B, Pohl M, Büchs J, Biotechnol. Prog. 20, 1062-1068, 2004126 KB
- Online respiration activity measurement(OTR, CTR, RQ) in shake flasks, Anderlei T, Zang W, Papaspyrou M, Büchs J, Biochemical Engineering Journal 17, 187-194, 2004338 KB
- Evaluation of the "Respiration Activity Monitoring System"with Mammalian Cell Cultures, Biselli M, Script University of Applied Science Aachen, 2004159 KB
- RAMOS (Respiration Activity Monitoring System)Anderlei T, Büchs J, BIOforum 3/01, 149-151, 2001948 KB
- Metabolic activity of Corynebacterium glutamicumgrown 8 on L-lactic acid under stress, Seletzky J M. Noack U. Fricke J, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2006.396 KB
- Online-Ermittlung der Sauerstofftransferratevon mikrobiellen Kulturen im Schüttelkolben, Anderlei T, Büchs J, BIOforum 4/99, 182-186, 19992 MB
- Characterization of photosynthetically active duckweed(Wolffia australiana) in vitro culture by Respiration Activity Monitoring System (RAMOS), Rechmann H, Boehm R, Biotechnol Letter, 2007283 KB
- Atmungsaktivität von SäugerzellenKontinuierliche Onlineermittlung im Schüttelkolben, Canzoneri M, Biselli M, BIOforum 3/06, 45-47, 2006477 KB
- Respiration activity monitoring system (RAMOS)an efficient tool to study the influence of the oxygen transfer rate on the synthesis of lipopeptide by Bacillus subtilis ATCC6633 Guez J, Mueller S, Biotechnol Letter, 2007515 KB
- Necessity of a Two-Stage Processfor the Production of Azadirachtin-Related Limonoids in Suspension Cultures of Azadirachta indica, Raval KN, Hellwig S, Prakash G, RAMOS-Plasencia A, Srivastava A, Büchs J, Journal of Bioscience and Biöngineering, Vol. 96, No. 1, 16-22, 20032 MB
- The oxygen transfer rate as key parameterfor the characterization of Hansenula polymorpha screening cultures, Stöckmann C, Maier U, Anderlei T, Knocke C, Gellissen G, Büchs J, J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol 30:613-622, 20035 MB
- The metabolic switch can be activated in a recombinant strain of Streptomyces lividans by a low oxygen transfer rate in shake flasksGamboa‑Suasnavart R.A., Valdez‑Cruz N. A., Gaytan‑Ortega G., Reynoso‑Cereceda G.I., Cabrera‑Santos D., López‑Griego L., Klöckner W., Büchs J., Trujillo‑Roldán M.A., Microbial Cell Factories 17:189, 20222 MB
- Optimization of the production process for the anticancer lead compound illudin M:process development in stirred tank bioreactorsChaverra‑Muñoz L, Hüttel S, Microbial Cell Factories 21:145, 20223 MB